Praise Him!
I will praise You, O Lord my God, with all my heart, And I will glorify Your name forevermore. Psalm 86:12 (NKJV)
Praise is a central part of prayer. And since this is a "prayer letter," it seems right that we should start by praising God for who he is and what he does! Our God is good! His faithfulness and lovingkindness are everlasting (Ps. 100:5)! The grace that he bestows on us in His Son is glorious and worthy of praise (Eph. 1:6)! Such is part of his plan for blessing the whole world (Gen. 12:3; 18:18; et al.), Jews and Gentiles alike (Acts. 28:28; Rom. 15:8-13). "Praise the Lord, all you Gentiles! Laud Him, all you peoples!” (Rom. 15:11). The goal is pictured vividly in Revelation 7, where a multitude from every tribe and nation praise God with one voice. We praise God that among these will be many French men, women, and children as well! We are grateful to be led by God to be laborers among the people of France, and thankful for the way that he has supplied our needs and continues to open doors. We are also thankful for the new partners he has connected us with over the last month (personal and church).
Trips Please be in prayer for us as we continue to plan trips and seek out meetings in churches around the country. We will be in NC at a missions conference next month, MI for several meetings in June, and are looking to plan another trip to AZ for later this year. Again, we appreciate your prayers for us in this along these lines—please see below for how you can help us further.
COVID We'd also really appreciate your prayers for our health right now. We are about a week into a bout with COVID19. The worst of it was over for me by Thursday (though I still have ups and downs, and weird nerve issues), but Jessica is still having a pretty difficult time (she's had a fever every day). The virus has really knocked her out. We ask you to please pray for a quick recovery.
Another way to Partner Many of you partner with us by praying for us. Some of you even support us financially. But another way that you can partner with us is by helping us network with churches. It's as simple as this: open up a new email or Facebook message to us, and then take a couple of minutes to list off a few churches that you think we should try to connect with. Just the name and location ought to be enough. Would you take a couple minutes to help us in this way?
Your friends, Michael, Jessica, Amelia, & Jack

We enjoyed our time with the Barbers in Grand Rapids at the end of last year. They hosted us while we were in the area to present at Robinson Baptist Church.
Pray that we will build good relationships at all of our upcoming meetings. Deputation is not just about "support raising," but about building life-long partnerships for Gospel ministry.
Pray for a quick recovery from COVID-19.
Pray that we will be able to reschedule our survey trip to France once things return to normal.