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Get to know us!



BA, Biblical Studies (Missions Emphasis), GBBC

MA, Theological Studies, BJU Seminary

M.Div, BJU Seminary (in progress)


Anniversary: Dec 30, 2011

On Christmas Eve at the age of 5, under the conviction of the Holy Spirit, God brought me to the place of saving faith in his Son Jesus Christ. I grew up in an environment where the gospel was clearly taught and knew the message of Christ’s death and resurrection for my sins, but had never made a personal decision to trust in Jesus, submitting to him as Lord over my life. I don’t recall what led me to consider the gospel message anew that evening, but God stirred my mind to ponder the seriousness of my eternal destiny and gave me a desire to receive Christ and the forgiveness found in him! I was later baptized and became a member of Command Baptist Church.


As I grew up, there were several influences that God used in my life to lead me toward ministry and foreign missions in particular. From very early on my parents were faithful to invite visiting missionaries over to our home. I grew up hearing their stories and connecting with their kids. 


In high school I became a Christian Youth In Action "Summer Missionary" with Child Evangelism Fellowship. Over the several years I was with CEF I was able to be involved with 5-Day clubs in my home town of Statesville, NC, as well as Chicago, Honduras, and Durham. It was while I was serving with CEF that I knew God was leading me into vocational ministry, and I surrendered to his leading on my life, whatever that would be. Over the coming years as I continued through Bible college, God began to refine this call and the specific areas of ministry that he was preparing me for. During my second year in college God began to burden my heart for ministry in Europe, a burden that I would share with Jessica, who I also met that same year.



Birthday: May 18, 2018

Jack is a boy through and through. He loves to tackle, run, climb, and basically do anything outside. He loves Spider-Man and all things "superhero." He is also a sweet and sociable little guy always waving at people or giving high-fives, and loves to cuddle with his blankie. 



BA, Biblical Studies (Missions Emphasis), GBBC


Anniversary: Dec 30, 2011

I was born in São Paulo, Brazil to missionaries Bob and Deb Thompson. My parents were always very faithful to share the Gospel with me on a regular basis. One night, when I was 4 years old, during our family devotions, I began to recognize my need for a Savior and my dad led me to the Lord.


Growing up, my parents were so faithful to disciple us. They made a point to have us involved in ministry with them, helping watch kids during counseling sessions, visiting the Bible college where they taught to spend time with the students, going with them to conferences, and seeing the real-life ministry they were involved in. They pushed us to do more than we may have been comfortable with doing at first to help us to grow. They cared about our walks with God and taught us the truths of Scripture. One thing that was emphasized was that we should follow God, no matter what He called us to do. My parents always asked us to be open to God’s leading in our lives, whether it be in full-time ministry or any other vocation that God has called us to. I truly believe that God used my parents’ faithfulness in the ministry paired with their discipling care for their family to give me a burden for souls and to make disciples of the nations. 



Birthday: Oct 5, 2015

Amelia is a sweet 7-year old who loves all things that involve pretending or music! She enjoys being a big sister to Jack and being a helper. She loves being around people, even if she is a bit shy at first. She is excited about moving to France and is beginning to pick up a few French words. We praise God that she has received Jesus Christ as her savior! Pray for her (as for us) as we disciple her in the Word.

How God directed us to France

In 2017 we had the opportunity to take a survey trip to Europe in which we visited Germany, France, and Luxembourg. During this time, God gave us each a special burden for the people of France, and an excitement about ministry there. There is a spiritual darkness and ambivalence there and a desperate need for the light of the Gospel. We were excited to see that, amidst the darkness, the light of the gospel is shining out from a number of small churches throughout the country. God also allowed us to visit the Institut Biblique et Pastoral Baptiste  (The Baptist Pastoral Bible Institute) in Algrange where many believers have been and are being trained to serve the church in the French-speaking world. We saw, in turn, the global impact this ministry has already had in the world, training disciple-making disciples to reach the world.


During this trip we also saw a rising need in France as many of the current missionaries are reaching retirement age, and few missionaries are rising up to fill the gap. Though our time there was short, God used it to direct us and give us a love for the French people. We are eager to get back to reach the people of France! â€‹


Click here to read a letter of recommendation from our pastor, 
Dr. Sam Horn.

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